Meditation in all shapes, sizes and synchronicities

Meditation in all shapes, sizes and synchronicities: Walking the Labyrinth- the ancient tradition of the labyrinth catharsis – one way in and one way out.

Everyone has a path to Divine Source which grows and changes and yet remains still. When we stop talking for a while, the pathways to light and love seem to be grow clearer and stronger and more obvious. The Labyrinth Walking Mediation at Bali Silent Retreat is a chance to connect within, to ask questions and receive answers. A very simple ancient practice that holds great power. Set your intention, walk slowly aware of your breath, be grateful, and observe the results. Repeat daily.

We just happen to have a Labyrinth at Bali Silent Retreat. (It’s the only labyrinth is Indonesia. There are also labyrinths in Burma and Thailand.) It’s a 7 ring version, on grass, and takes about 20 minutes to walk in and out.

These dedicated spiritual explorers walked their walk in the rain and we think they’ll get an extra special blessing!

To read more about Labyrinths and our labyrinth jump to our Programs page

Discover the philosophy behind the ancient practice of labyrinth meditation. WATCH MORE: