Change And Renewal

Making change takes action and action is required to start the ball rolling and to follow through with it. Any type of change that is somewhere in the future is simply a passing thought until there is action. Take charge, change happens now. At Bali Silent Retreat we can assist with your process of change.

Change begins with the smallest of steps, set an intention and begin the process. If it seems daunting, break it down into many, easily achievable steps. Once you start moving the world will join you to help. Change happens now. In daily meditation and yoga, there is a chance to find stillness within, to review what is your truth and what to let go of.

This week at Bali Silent Retreat we have been working with the energy of Change and Renewal– the theme of our meditations has been about clearing away old energy stored in our bodies and in our minds. As well as getting an idea of what is coming next, what lessons and gifts await us, we ready our selves with courage and excitement to take the next step into new energy and light.

Taking time to unwind in the silence is a perfect way to see clearly, to let go and to open up to the love that is within. We meditate each day, often with a higher purpose as the intention. Working this way in a group is a great way to make change in our lives.

The process of changing within to become more empowered and have greater clarity can be as simple as moving on and making a choice. Sometimes deep reflection and planning may be required; we all have our own path and our own journey.

Join us at Bali Silent Retreat, and give your cares to the breeze and watch them float away… 🙂